

Creative. Producer. Husband. Father.

Hey! I’m James, husband to my beautiful wife, Talitha, dad to our daughter Janelle, music producer and creative! I’m a huge Lakers and Cowboys fan, and enjoy remote control cars/drones, and love a good movie with popcorn!

As a kid, I really wanted to learn how to play piano after listening to my music director, Ms. Terran, play while going to Faith Temple Christian Center, which was a small school in Oceanside, California. She was amazing! I begged my parents for a Casio keyboard to learn, hoping to be like her someday. Although I got the keyboard I’d wanted, my parents never encouraged me or enrolled me in music lessons to learn how to play. As I grew older, I decided to get rid of it to play the sports I loved: football and basketball. But like many of us, I soon realized my low chances of pursuing sports after high school, music eventually won my heart back at the tender age of 23. 

I sat in a few music courses in junior college, learned piano from various people, and simultaneously learned to use hardware tools like the MPC and Roland Fantom x6. As technology progressed in my late 20’s, software became more prevalent in music production, so I decided to go into the software side of things. Through time and practice, I got better as a musician, which allowed me to serve my church and play in a band with a few friends. The band became well known in the CHH scene, and one of the members got a major label deal. Although working with him taught me some painful lessons, I was able to pivot back into working with one of my closest friends, creating music and custom scoring for his YouTube channel/brand content. 

My Music Story:

Beleaf and I have been friends for the better part of 16 years. Beleaf in Music is a venture that he started to showcase a multitude of things including Beleaf’s artistry and pen as a storyteller. Beleaf in Music also serves as a custom service for other content creators that need the unfair advantage of custom scoring for content, storytelling and music licensing needs. And further, a hub for future music creatives that we come alongside as a home for creating their art and breaking ground in new technology such as Dolby Atmos

Beleaf in Music

Beleaf in Music